Wednesday, March 31, 2010


One of my best girls bought me a bottle of Chivas Regal whiskey for my birthday. Normally I drink Jameson's, but when a gift is given with love it is always awesome. Like once Storm bought me a hula hoop for my 21st and my (then) boyfriend peed on it in the middle of the night and I was soooo upset. I was upset about having to clean up a grown man's boozey piss outta my fireplace, but mostly about the desecrated hula hoop.

It's Wednesday and this morning I forgot to take my medication and was seeing blurry shapes all day. I took my nephew to Garden City (This isn't a "garden" city.  It's a shopping mall crammed with bored mothers with too much cash and elderly folks that seem to have permanently confused expressions) and we walked around saying "sssssssss!" at everything. He is so squishy and likes old jazz ladies as much as I do (his partiality for Judy Garland isn't an issue at this stage - not that it would be....). Anyway, I'm okay now. I won't forget again.

When I was four years old my mammy sent me to jazz ballet. I had a pink chiffon tutu, a little brown belly and sun-streaked hair. Being a four-year-old, I wasn't able to do the splits, and so they leaned on my shoulders and tried to force me down. Being a strong-willed toddler, I screamed at them, stomped my leotard-clad ass outta there and vowed to make their name mud all over Mandurah. To this day I still can't do the splits...I wonder if my life would have been different if..................?

In conclusion:  Chivas Regal, 7 out of 10, or 8 if it was a gift from someone super special like Ainslie and Oboe.

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