Wednesday, March 31, 2010


One of my best girls bought me a bottle of Chivas Regal whiskey for my birthday. Normally I drink Jameson's, but when a gift is given with love it is always awesome. Like once Storm bought me a hula hoop for my 21st and my (then) boyfriend peed on it in the middle of the night and I was soooo upset. I was upset about having to clean up a grown man's boozey piss outta my fireplace, but mostly about the desecrated hula hoop.

It's Wednesday and this morning I forgot to take my medication and was seeing blurry shapes all day. I took my nephew to Garden City (This isn't a "garden" city.  It's a shopping mall crammed with bored mothers with too much cash and elderly folks that seem to have permanently confused expressions) and we walked around saying "sssssssss!" at everything. He is so squishy and likes old jazz ladies as much as I do (his partiality for Judy Garland isn't an issue at this stage - not that it would be....). Anyway, I'm okay now. I won't forget again.

When I was four years old my mammy sent me to jazz ballet. I had a pink chiffon tutu, a little brown belly and sun-streaked hair. Being a four-year-old, I wasn't able to do the splits, and so they leaned on my shoulders and tried to force me down. Being a strong-willed toddler, I screamed at them, stomped my leotard-clad ass outta there and vowed to make their name mud all over Mandurah. To this day I still can't do the splits...I wonder if my life would have been different if..................?

In conclusion:  Chivas Regal, 7 out of 10, or 8 if it was a gift from someone super special like Ainslie and Oboe.

Monday, March 29, 2010

24 years and 2 days since the comet came 'round

When I was sixteen years old, I was lucky enough to be able to move out of my parents' house and into a shitty rental with my sister.  I didn't get along with my folks real good (that's putting it super lightly) and my sister happened to be working away at a gold mine so she had some cash to help me out. We got robbed a few times but it was better than before. I also believe that, because I was alone most of the time, I really started to learn how to sing properly that year. I also credit this to Bradley Nowell (February 22, 1968 – May 25, 1996), but I think about other people more nowadays..

I remember when I was fourteen and I was going through "that difficult stage" where all you want is to get your braces off, get a million tattoos/piercings and lose your virginity because you've listened to so much Hole and Nirvana that you really have no will to live. I said to myself, "When I get a job I'm going to move into an awesome place and I'll have a dog and get drunk all the time and there will be an endless supply of skittles."  Then I moved out and bought two pet mice that actually froze to death in the first 24 hours because the house was so horribly cold.

I don't have a dog yet because I can't really afford one and I wouldn't know where to put it.  Nevertheless, I am sitting in my flat, drinking whiskey in the middle of the day and recording demos for my new EP and I'm thinking, geeeez, it didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would, huh?

Mama named me after a comet. This is kinda lame in a cheesy romantic Disney way, but at least I have a story. I can't believe I'm 24.  I mean, I don't care about my age (most of my buddies are older anyway), but it just seems like yesterday that I was sitting in the Hydey (that was a pub - may god rest it's sticky soul), having a jug poured on my head while the Homicides sang "Thank You Beer" and thinking it was the best night of my life so far.

I think I've got a pretty long way to go, but if I make it, it's allll good from here. Let's not forget that I have also made it this far with ZERO STD's, which is more than I can say for some.

Here's a picture of me when I was 16. Man, I had absolutely NO boobs whatsoever then. Gross hair, too.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



p.s. Mum says not to buy the thingys with wings coz they'll ruin your fancy lingerie. Thanks, Mum.

Monday, March 15, 2010

i hate the radio and the radio hates me

Allowing one day for detox. I decided this was a pertinent action for a Mondey morning because yesterday I was SO excited about beer that I chipped a little bit of my tooth on a beer bottle. It was funny at the time and I'm not real upset about it so you should't be. I would allow my liver a longer respite, but tomorrow is Beau's birthday and it would be selfish to go to the pub and just stare at everyone.

This morning I woke up with a nursery rhyme stuck in my head that wouldn't stop repeating. It was pretty annoying. "Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold. Pease pudding in the pot, nine days old". Wha? Why?

Elliot has learned to walk. It is hilarious. Look at how funny he is! Even though he spits on me and wipes his nose on me, he is my most favourite friend ever.

Friday, March 12, 2010

i wanna be down


If I get a dog he is gonna be called Moesha. What's up, brother?

I got a bad letter in the post today...I think Centrelink are gonna cut me off because I'm not doing my homework. Sheeeet.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

gangrinous mentality

I don't care if you can all see me through my window in my underpants from my new apartment, because I just got home, it's 3am, and I have a very strong urge to write some rubbish down. If I don't open the window I will die of heat stroke so fuck you if you don't like my blue underpants, idiots.

Break it down:::: this weekend I was on tour in Melbourne (that's a city on the east coast that is supposedly better than Perth but everyone there's jeans are so tight that the limited blood flow to their brain leads them to great retarded customer service but no actual meaningful lives), played a couple shows, survived what was apparently the worst storm since some other terrible storm that I am unaware of....I stayed in a hotel and didn't care if the people in the building across the way could see me in my stuff because I was paying for it and that is their problem.

Having this brought to my attention in the past, I became quite aware of my irritable nature whilst experiencing a "hangover", and did nothing to improve this, beside switching from whiskey to beer. I would like it to be known that whilst travelling towards a cafe on Lygon Street, I saw the most hilarious smear of human faeces upon the local LIbrary wall. Whoever did this really hates knowledge or cannot read for buggery.,

I miss Anjay a bit. She is a good friend and she is far away but I am terrible at saving money and worry that I might let her down and never be able to afford to travel to my friend.