Thursday, September 16, 2010


First of all, I must apologise for my frightfully drunken attempt at a blog post (see below). I am not so good this week but I am just waaaaiting and waiting and waiting it out. Eventually I will be super. A picture of health, yes. 

I put in an application for a grant so I can record an album in December. I want to record samples of all of my favourite noises and hide them in/under/in between tracks.  Some of my favourite sounds include:
- When my nephew goes "ssssssss!" and spits everywhere
- The Windows sound for "empty recycle bin"
- Ice blocks clinking into a glass
- High-pitched farts "pvvvffft!"
- Stapler, click-click!
- Brenjay's snoring
..There are more but I can't think of them now.

One of my doctors said the only known way to fix a piece of shit immune system is with a bone marrow transplant but it has only worked a couple of times in the world. Basically it isn't worth it because the body recognises the new bone marrow and usually, you die. Nevertheless, this obviously isn't an option because I am poor as fuck, and, bone marrow....yuck. The word "marrow" just makes me feel erked.

There are baby black swans (cygnets) at Hyde Park at the moment. I fucking hate swans. They scare the shit out of me. Their necks are so violent and wibbly-wobbly, every time I drive past the park and see them I gasp and behave like a silly old woman. Graceful? My bum!

I complain SO much. I'm sorrrrrry.

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