Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today is Thursday. I did the washing. Chicken.

Funny words for the day: aloof, cassowary, quinoa, gargantuan (e.g, "the gargantuan goitre on the man's neck is a result of a lack of iodine in his diet").

Last night we saw a real midget who was very old. Brendan says he can't have been old because midgets do not live very long, so we agreed to disagree. Actually, we really just disagreed.


Must get out my old textas.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


First of all, I must apologise for my frightfully drunken attempt at a blog post (see below). I am not so good this week but I am just waaaaiting and waiting and waiting it out. Eventually I will be super. A picture of health, yes. 

I put in an application for a grant so I can record an album in December. I want to record samples of all of my favourite noises and hide them in/under/in between tracks.  Some of my favourite sounds include:
- When my nephew goes "ssssssss!" and spits everywhere
- The Windows sound for "empty recycle bin"
- Ice blocks clinking into a glass
- High-pitched farts "pvvvffft!"
- Stapler, click-click!
- Brenjay's snoring
..There are more but I can't think of them now.

One of my doctors said the only known way to fix a piece of shit immune system is with a bone marrow transplant but it has only worked a couple of times in the world. Basically it isn't worth it because the body recognises the new bone marrow and usually, you die. Nevertheless, this obviously isn't an option because I am poor as fuck, and, bone marrow....yuck. The word "marrow" just makes me feel erked.

There are baby black swans (cygnets) at Hyde Park at the moment. I fucking hate swans. They scare the shit out of me. Their necks are so violent and wibbly-wobbly, every time I drive past the park and see them I gasp and behave like a silly old woman. Graceful? My bum!

I complain SO much. I'm sorrrrrry.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I can't remember the last time I did a poo. But I feel good though! Despite having a cold for the last 3 weeks I feel like I am actually getting much  better . I am watching a show called SKins which my good friend lent me and I am giving Brenjay a pedicure andd he thinks it's real nice of me but I don't think nothing of it. Brenjay is teaching me that Chardonnay isn't as bad as I thought it was. I blame my mother for this.

I wish I was just like my nephew, he is so awesome. I don't get what he think is so great about cars though.

I am asking my government for some money so I can make really great music. But I have some trouble paying attention.

Steph I haven't seen you in ages, I'm sorry. I think you are super.

In high school I had to go in this caravan and it was the "Careers Caravan" and they said I should be a fire man. I do have asthma, but I don't feel that this is a major disability in saving lives n shit.

p.s. my friend says nothing scares her except for eye bogies, which I call "eye crumbs". But this scares me very much:

 I also am a bit afraid of aardvarks but Justine says they aren't scary. I got a tattoo of  a narwhal but it isn't finished yet and I think my mum was a bit worried but she doesn't know shiz. Ummmmmmm I think someone might be hacking into my computer. Ninja.