Friday, February 26, 2010

moustachio banderas

I really like obnoxious men. Especially if they have a moustache. I especially like saying the word moustache. If you say it a lot, it doesn't feel like a real word.

So I've been doing this new job for a month now, typing letters for psychiatrists. It's so funny. It's like following a soap opera, except way weirder. There is this one woman who is obsessed with dirty air particles, and every time she gets stressed out, she starts fanning the air like crazy. Oh geez, I crap myself writing this shit. And I am SOOO fast at typing. I really wish I could play guitar as awesome as I can type. Obnoxious dudes would dig it heaps.

I played the worst gig last night. I have a cold and I forgot everything and I was way too drunk. Moustache Man was like, "I am so much better than you...". Next time I see him I'm gonna poke him in the eye. With a burnt stick.Oh dear.

p.s. my scab is a lot better now, thanks.

p.p.s it's 42 degrees. I'm beached as.

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